North Carolina Association of Government Information Officers
November 2018
- Ernie Seneca Award for Excellence in Public Service
The highest award of merit by the annual organization for my work in developing a website for NCAGIO.org.
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Sustainability Awards
January 2016
- Award for Individual Project
Received an award for my work in transitioning the Creative Services project management workflow from paper to online ticketing using Jira.
Graphic Design USA American Inhouse Design Award
June 2013
I received this award for overall design and layout of the UNC-Chapel Hill ENT/OHNS 2012 annual report.
Communicator Awards
May 2011
- Silver Award of Distinction
I received this award for overall design for the 2008 UNC-Chapel Hill FGID Department annual report. It is a two-color, 64-page, perfect bound publication.